Demystifying Judicial Appointment and encouraging judicial ambition in Law Centre Legal Professionals

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The first lunchtime of two lunchtime seminars aimed at legal professionals from law centres.


This seminar hopes to encourage to you to consider a judicial appointment.

Judicial speakers wil cover how much law centre legal professionals can contribute to the judiciary, developing your own authentic voice and emphasising the importance of resilience.

The Judges

Suzanne Mason sits as a District Judge in the County court. Her judicial career commenced with her appointment in 2011 as a fee paid judge of the Residential Property Tribunal. By 2015 she was also sitting as a fee paid judge in the Social Security Tribunal, and as a Deputy District Judge. She was appointed as a District Judge in January 2020. 
Suzanne qualified as a solicitor in 1995, and from then until she ceased working as a solicitor in 2013 she worked almost exclusively for not for profit organisations as a legal aid social welfare solicitor, specialising in housing. She has worked for Law Centres, Shelter and Citizens Advice. 

Judge Andrew Gumbiti Zimuto is an Employment Judge assigned to sit in the County Court, a diversity and community relations Judge and former barrister. He was born in Zimbabwe but has lived in England, mainly in London, since the age of 5 years old. He went to a North London comprehensive school, then the University of Sussex and the Inns of Court School of Law before practising as a barrister from London Chambers between 1983 and 2006.

Clare Goodman was appointed as a salaried District Tribunal Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Social Entitlement Chamber in 2018. Before appointment, Clare worked as a solicitor in private practice and in-house, specialising in intellectual property and information law. She had no previous experience of Courts, litigation or the judiciary before she was appointed. Clare now also sits on information rights cases in the General Regulatory Chamber. Clare is a Diversity & Community Relations Judge and a member of the SSCS Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She is a former school governor and Trustee of her local Citizens Advice.

February 13th, 2025 from  1:15 PM to  1:45 PM
Online Via MS Teams
United Kingdom